- Basi MIDI di Red Hot Chili Peppers 2 -
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Give it away Give it away Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock
Going inside Going inside Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock
Good time boys Good time boys Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock
Higher ground Higher ground Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock
If you have to ask If you have to ask Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock
Invisible movement Invisible movement Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock
Knock me down Knock me down Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock
Love roller coaster Love roller coaster Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock
Mascara Mascara Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock
Mellowship Slinky In B Major Mellowship Slinky In B Major Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock
My friends My friends Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock
Naked in the rain Naked in the rain Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock
Other side Other side Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock
Parallel universe Parallel universe Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock
Pea Pea Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock
Pretty little ditty Pretty little ditty Red Hot Chili Peppers Rock
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