- This Mortal Coil -

Carcass - This Mortal Coil

This Mortal Coil
Album: Heartwork
Artista: Carcass

<% 'ADV_ORGANIZER 1.0 | formato, categoria, base, altezza, unico, disposizione, voto, dove, numero,tipo,refresh,output response.write(organize_adv(0,categoria,300,250,,,8,,1,0,1,)) %>

<% 'ADV_ORGANIZER 1.0 | formato, categoria, base, altezza, unico, disposizione, voto, dove, numero,tipo,refresh,output response.write(organize_adv(0,categoria,300,250,,,8,,1,0,1,)) %>
<% 'ADV_ORGANIZER 2.1 | formato, categoria, base, altezza, unico, disposizione, voto, dove, numero, tipo, refresh, output, IdUtente, TipoAdsense, skin Response.Write(organize_adv(0, categoria, 120, 600, , , 9, , 1, 0, 0, , , 1, 2 )) %>


This Mortal Coil

Tearing down the walls
Breaching frontiers, unlocking the gates
To a new world disorder
A fresh balance of terror, the equilibrium of hate/
All flesh entwined, in the equality of pain

Archaic nescience unleashed
Entrenched, a bitter legacy
Tempered in mental scars
All flesh entwined in mortal equality

Tangled mortal coil

[1st lead - Steer]
[2nd lead - Amott]

Twisted and warped
Tangled mortal coil


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